Hardcover, 8.25 x 10.25 in., 147 pages ISNB: 978-1-953227-00-3
Wayne White: Selected Drawings Vol 1
Perhaps best known for fantastical Emmy Award-winning set designs and puppet creations for Pee-Wee’s Playhouse and profane, poetic, meticulously-rendered word paintings, Los Angeles-based artist Wayne White is – and has always been – a genre-hopping virtuoso at the simple act of drawing.
This volume gathers together sixty-nine of his drawings from a variety of sources, ranging from scribbles on Post-It notes and the back of telephone bills, graphic meditations in private notebooks and sketchpads, to large-scale, fully realized artworks shown in galleries and museums.
Rendered in pencil, ink, watercolor, pastels, highlight pens, and whatever other drawings tools he might have at hand, this collection displays a bursting-at-the-seams creative sensibility, seeped in a deep absorption of both classical art and high modernism, and the irreverant, iconoclastic energies of folk art, punk rock, underground comics and the spontaneous infractions of schoolboy graffiti.
Another Sun Books is proud to present this gathering of lesser-known work from a true modern master.
Wayne White: Selected Drawings Vol 1
Perhaps best known for fantastical Emmy Award-winning set designs and puppet creations for Pee-Wee’s Playhouse and profane, poetic, meticulously-rendered word paintings, Los Angeles-based artist Wayne White is – and has always been – a genre-hopping virtuoso at the simple act of drawing.
This volume gathers together sixty-nine of his drawings from a variety of sources, ranging from scribbles on Post-It notes and the back of telephone bills, graphic meditations in private notebooks and sketchpads, to large-scale, fully realized artworks shown in galleries and museums.
Rendered in pencil, ink, watercolor, pastels, highlight pens, and whatever other drawings tools he might have at hand, this collection displays a bursting-at-the-seams creative sensibility, seeped in a deep absorption of both classical art and high modernism, and the irreverant, iconoclastic energies of folk art, punk rock, underground comics and the spontaneous infractions of schoolboy graffiti.
Another Sun Books is proud to present this gathering of lesser-known work from a true modern master.
“If you have a big ego and are competitive with other artists, you are probably going to get your feelings hurt if you are drawing next to Wayne White. He is an awesome scribbler, draughtsman, likeness shaper, mood indicator, making-it-finished-looking-while-improvising-it, layer of space, matcher of tonality and hue guy, tangler of deep organized line nets, man handler of oil and acrylic media, cruncher of space into cubism, model maker on any scale, C&W historian, full to the brim of cultural tropes and styles, colorist supreme, a natural entertainer, a withdrawn self analyzer, able to shoot straight stoned to the gills, rapid banjo player, instant beard grower, unmatched in the eyelash department and other deeply engrained weapons of the pencil and arts in general.
So you need to just dig your own stuff and not worry about it. It is not a race. But it is hard to not admire the gifted and invested hand and mind. And that won’t hurt you.”
–Gary Panter
Samples of Wayne White 6″x9″ drawings included in the special limited signed edition. Drawings chosen randomly, each accompanied by a signed Certificate of Authenticity.
Edition strictly limited to 50 books.
Deluxe limited-edition hardcover
accompanied by an original, signed 6″x9″
Wayne White drawing
Regularly $750
On Sale $650

“We already knew that Jonathan Lethem is a great novelist, but who knew that he’s also one of our most ingenious Pop poets? Pick up this book and you’ll find it hard not to sing along: “Marxist thoughts come easily to me/ Almost as easy as watching tv.” Horse With No Cake is the postrock, post-modern, post-post songbook of our times.”
—Tom Comitta, author of The Nature Book
“Rants and rumination, cryptic and caustic and crystal clear in equal doses.”
—Steve Wynn, songwriter, The Dream Syndicate
“Jonathan Lethem is as serious about poetry as Roberto Bolaño was. He hits it out of the park and he’s not even playing!”
—Gloria Frym, poet, author of How Proust Ruined My Life & Other Essays
“We already knew that Jonathan Lethem is a great novelist, but who knew that he’s also one of our most ingenious Pop poets? Pick up this book and you’ll find it hard not to sing along: “Marxist thoughts come easily to me/ Almost as easy as watching tv.” Horse With No Cake is the postrock, post-modern, post-post songbook of our times.”
—Tom Comitta, author of The Nature Book
“Rants and rumination, cryptic and caustic and crystal clear in equal doses.”
—Steve Wynn, songwriter, The Dream Syndicate
“Jonathan Lethem is as serious about poetry as Roberto Bolaño was. He hits it out of the park and he’s not even playing!”
—Gloria Frym, poet, author of How Proust Ruined My Life & Other Essays
Available In Two Editions
First Edition. Hardcover. 122 pages.
Regularly $25
On sale $5.00
Limited edition, signed, with an original, signed “one-word poem”, drawn by Jonathan Lethem.
See samples below
Regularly $50
On sale $15.00
Jonathan Lethem reads “Bang And Whimper” and “A Friday Book”
Bang and Whimper
Some say the world will end in bang,
Some say in whimper.
From what I’ve tasted of Tang
I hold with those who favor Quisp.
But if it had to publish or perish,
I think I know enough of tenure
To say that for destruction Quake
Also tastes great
And would get me out of bed on the last day on earth.
Some say the world will end in binaries,
Some say in dualities.
From what I’ve tasted of Manichaeism
I vote for those who go in for cross-dressing.
But if I had to disclaim liminalism
I think I’m near enough to ambidextrous
To say that for eating and having my cake
I’d do like Bugs Bunny, and wear red
When I step into the ring to meet the flying fickle finger of fate.
Some say a bang in the bush
Is worth a whimper in the boudoir.
From what I’ve tasted of Hindu Kush
I’ll hold yours if you’ll hold mine.
But if I had to kick it any way but in the sack with you, dear
I think I know enough of masturbation
To say that for lubrication’s sake
That snake
Is probably the first part of the story that interested me to begin with.
You take the ice road and I’ll scream for fire cream
And I’ll go to blazes before you.
From what I’ve tasted of your Mad Max Blu Ray
I’d hold with moi, who favors a Damnation Alley VHS.
To merely imagine apocalypse
Is a game for newbies.
You whimper, I’ll bang
Let’s call the whole thing off.
Our world ends with ourselves, mine’s almost already mostly gone.
A Friday Letter
Dear (Jack) (John) Barth,
How else to Fest this Schrift but with a letter made of same?
Address one another while still at the same address.
A letter presumes two selves are present, essays just one.
Sustain that pretense; when you unwrap your gift,
Pretend this present makes a presence. My letter’s
Pre-sent. Your gift to me? Opened years ago, yet still
Unspent. The books I mean: before I asked, I found them
And lived my bookstore years always all around them.
Read “Road” at twenty-three, still my helpless favorite.
Its DNA invaded my Table, with Calvino and DeLillo
Confessing influence a ploy, to boast, to bootstrap
Onto your playing field, the hope to glimpse your level.
Funhouse, Sot-Weed, Letters and Sabbatical.
Here I’ll praise Friday Book, your compendium
Of confessions, friendly boasts, slaps to those annoying.
Self-Schrift, with erudite warm goofiness so buoying.
It said to me, at twenty-five: you’re okay, don’t fear
That Borgesian formal wit that so attracts you.
Don’t worry when ‘realists’ attack you; they will.
These conditions are all changing while they stand still.
Stimulate the storytelling nerve: you may invent
A novel full of verve, intelligence-embracing, with self
Still hung for exhibition, since how to hide it?
A book’s a body with rival systems wove inside it.
Your Friday Book said don’t be silent, blurt,
Mysterioso Pynchonism’s optional, not required.
Person of letters in the Chestertonian fashion.
This invitation’s served me well, I’m indebted.
And if ideal Postmodernism you thought entailed
Heart not worn on sleeve. Yet! For all but fools
The hidden’s surely proven in the hiding.
The harbor of your generosity, good tiding.
Words Set To Music
Kristen Lepionka
“Vaster than Charlotte”, “Astronaut Food”
Eliot Duhan
“Vaster than Charlotte”
Walter Salas-Humara
“Elevated Plane”, “Shitty Citizen”, “Stalking Horse”, “After Mild Winter”
Philip B. Price/The Maggies/Winterpills
“Sort of True”, “Fail My Test”, “Vaster than Charlotte”, “If Wynton Marsalis Had a Toy Boat”
Rachel Rhodes
“Sort of True”
Isaac Butler
“Sort of True”
Valerio Piccolo
“Sort of True”
Brandee Simone
“Sort of True”
Lee Ranaldo
“Electric Trim”, “Thrown Over the Wall”, “Uncle Skeleton”, “Purloined”
Jill Sobule
“Statute of Liberty”
Dan Crane
“Moth of the Bee of the Birds”
Gar Krass
“Fail My Test”/”Fail My Test” live
Michael Hearst / One Ring Zero
“Astronaut Food”, “Water” “Rock Dead”
George Kelly
“The Second Longest Night”
John Linnell
“Second Longest Night”
Rick Moody
“Astronaut Food”
Sample one-word poems included in the deluxe edition
Also available at the following select book stores: Skylight Books (Los Angeles, CA), Diamond Hollow Books (Andes, NY), Blue Hill Books (Blue Hill, Maine), Moe’s Books (Berkeley, CA)
In 1983, a pair of art students (Will Amato and James Cotner) had the idea of producing a radically democratic independently produced comic book, combining the work of “established” comic artists, with work produced by friends who’d never drawn a comic in their lives.
Produced guerilla-style and fitfully distributed through a few local LA-based comic book stores, the resultant comic has taken on somewhat legendary status in underground comic circles–partly because of it’s scarcity, partly for the inclusion of such future luminaries as Gary Panter, Matt Groening, Tomata du Plenty, et al., and perhaps most notably for a strip called Ocurance At Oki Dog, dually drawn by Gary Panter and Matt Groening, which features perhaps the first known appearance of a fang-toothed, punk-rock Bart Simpson.
Dubbed “the ugliest comic book ever produced” by Matt Groening in an LA Reader review at the time of it’s publication, copies of this rare comic presently fetch $200 and more on Ebay.
Another Sun Books is jazzed to announce the recent, unexpected discovery of a small cache of pristine, undistributed copies of Hoo-Be-Boo
Problems with ordering or delivery? Please contact me: willamato@gmail.com